Parque Carolina & Botanical Garden

10-3-19 – We decided to visit the Parque Carolina as they have a botanical & Japanese garden. It was just a few blocks away from our air bnb apartment in an “upscale” area of Quito. Lots of modern, high end condos and apartment buildings on the East side of the park and several large shopping centers too.

Map showing our “apartments” (due to necessary changes [protests]) and the park.

Parque la Carolina_LI
Air BnBs = Red X 1st, Indigo X 2nd, Green X Last

The park is very well maintained and a pleasure to walk through. It covers about 165 acres in the center of the central business district. There are fountains, several play areas for children, lots of basketball, soccer, and volleyball courts, a track for races, skateboard and bike park, lots of bike paths, a botanical garden, and an exhibit center and reptile house. We chose to spend the day traversing the botanical garden. Below are pictures of the walk to the garden.

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The Botanical Gardens – lots of pictures (you have been forewarned 😁)

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End of a lovely day with a funny guy and his flower hat!

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