action & info!

Make a plan to get your Covid Vaccination as soon as you can! Help yourself, help others, stay safe, and wear your mask!

In Washington State go to this link: Vaccinate WA: COVID-19 Vaccine Availability

You should be able to locate a vaccination location in your state online. Please check if you can get your “Faucie Ouchie” and let’s get moving forward! The CDC is back, up and running. Check Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( for additional information.

We voted and made our voices heard. Let’s continue to be engaged and hold our legislators accountable. Click the graphic to follow the new administration’s Build Back Better website at:

Don’t forget to ALWAYS exercise your Rights and VOTE

If you haven’t already done so, here is the link for you to register to vote! Please make your voice heard and VOTE as if your life depends upon it, because IT DOES!

travel, food, and thoughts